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Our veterinary team works together to make sure our patient’s receive the highest quality care. Your pet will have a tail to nose examination the morning of any procedure. Basic lab screening of liver and kidney function as well as red blood cell count, will be recommended for all patients. Older patients or those with disease conditions will need more extensive diagnostics to ensure anesthesia is as safe as possible. An IV catheter will be placed pre-operatively, to allow IV fluid administration during anesthesia. This helps avoid dehydration and hypotension. Your pet will be placed on a circulating warm water blanket and covered with a towel to help maintain body temperature. Pain medication and if indicated antibiotics will be given prior to the procedure to help reduce post-op discomfort, reduce stress- which aids healing, and prevent infection. Your pet’s vitals will be monitored continuously by our advanced multi-parameter patient monitor. This includes ECG, respiration, blood pressure, and blood oxygen saturation. Your pet will also have it’s own personal certified veterinary technician monitoring their welfare from induction through post-op recovery. We perform surgery in a sterile surgical suite, using proper sterile technique- fresh gown and gloves, surgical mask, and new surgical pack for each patient.

Our doctors are skilled and experienced with soft tissue and routine surgeries. Our detailed post-op verbal and written instructions, help you detect any potential complications early for the best outcome.