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What makes a successful community?

At Animal Clinic in Sussex, our motto is “Healthy Pets and Happy Families”.  We believe a successful community involves residents and local area businesses working side-by-side to achieve a healthy, safe and happy place to live and raise a family.

Our goal is to give as much back to the community of Sussex as we possibly can.  We believe  as a small business, it is our responsibility and privilege to be vested in not only the pets of our community,  but the families who love them as well.

We routinely donate our time, money and energy into bettering the Village of Sussex and it’s residents. Some of the things that we regularly sponsor and are involved with are:

  • Sharing our love of science and Veterinary Medicine with the students at Hamilton Highschool. Dr. Mackenzie regularly donates her time to speak with classrooms, answer questions and help to motivate the kids!
  • Donating baskets to Woodside Elementary Home and School program for silent auction.  This provides funding for many needed programs.
  • Sponsoring brat frys and collecting items for VOWS (Volunteer Organization of Women in Sussex). This benefits local area Mothers who may be struggling financially.
  • Being an active part of the Sussex Lions Daze Parade. We are a part of this community, we want to celebrate and have fun right along with everyone else!
  • Sponsoring Hamilton High School Charger sports teams. We have been happy to donate, when there is a specific need that needs to be met.
  • Allowing teen job shadows- We regularly host teenagers as they job shadow our doctors and technicians.  This can give them an up close and personal look into veterinary medicine, possibly sparking a want to study the field in college.
  • We donate time, medical care and financial support to HAWS whenever possible.


We thank you for trusting us with the care of your pets, in return we dedicate ourselves to the betterment of your family and the community that we live in!